Welcome to Shining Light
Baptist Church of Danville
Upcoming News & Events
A Disciples Journey to Faith & Life in Jesus
We are excited to introduce our new Sunday focus, A Disciple’s Journey to Faith and Life in Jesus. This is more than just a sermon series; it’s our church’s commitment to making disciples and helping each of us grow deeper in our understanding of God’s Word and our...
25 Year Anniversary Celebration
2024 is a BIG year for SLBC as it marks our 25 years of ministry
Easter Egg Hunt
Our Easter Egg Hunt, was a great success. The kids and parents had a good time. Thank you to all who took part and especially the McGuire family for organizing this event.
About Shining Light
Baptist Church
Shining Light Baptist Church (SLBCofDanville) is located on Blairmont Drive in Blairs Va. We began our journey together in August of 1999, and celebrated 20 years of ministry in August of 2019. Our mission statement is that we exist to be Voices for God’s Word and Hands for God’s Work. We are known for our family environment and our passion for teaching the Bible.
Get Connected
There are friendships to be made here at Shining Light, so don’t wait any longer to come on out and make new friends, and who knows you may soon be part of the Shining Light Baptist Church family!
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